Solve Query to Convert Mac Mail Messages to PDF
I am in a big trouble and I have saved all Mac Mail Emails in Windows Machine as .mbox file format. Now I want to convert Mac Mail message to PDF. So, I am looking for exact solution which provides outcome without any loss of information. Is there any solution?
Yes! To solve your issue, you can go with Apple Mail Copy Email to PDF tool that is very powerful tool and provides complete result to Open Mac Mail in Windows PDF in sophisticated manner. There are several converter software available in online market, but Mac Mail to PDF converter is one of the Apple Mail Save Multiple Emails to PDF tool to convert multiple files at a time with the help of its Batch mode option.
To know more knowledge about the product, it provides free demo version that will convert first 10 .mbox mails of Mac Mail and helps to know about how to save Mac Mail folders as PDF or How to Export mailbox from Apple Mail to PDF Windows. For the complete conversion process, buy the MBOX to PDF converter at nominal price $49.This software also provide some other helpful qualities which are discussed below;

- It runs on all version of adobe reader – 9.0, 11.0, etc.
- It provides nine file naming options which you can save your converted PDF files according to your choice.
- This tool supports all Windows operating systems i.e. Windows 7 8, 8.1, Vista, XP and Windows 10.
- It maintains the Metadata properties of email like- subject, date & time, formatting, etc.
- It is user friendly solution for Mac Mail Export Mailbox with attachments as PDF.